Enhance speed, productivity, and overall quality. Extend your career and protect your skill for your lifetime.Enhance speed, productivity, and overall quality. Extend your career and protect your skill for your lifetime.

Individual Kits

Base Kit

Supports Individual across most ground work, includes smallest profile footprint

Reduce Fatigue:


Across Position(s):

Pro Kit

Supports Individual across all common ground & low surfaces with all terrain boots

Reduce Fatigue:


Across Position(s):

Crew Kits

equip your team

Safety is just good business. Hear the reviews for yourself.

Field Crew Kit

Supports a team of up to 4 across ground and low/subfloor positions:

Reduce Fatigue:


Across Position(s):

Outrigger Crew Kit

Supports a team of up to 4 across standing hunched & ground positions:

Reduce Fatigue:


Across Position(s):

Tactical Tools  Reduce Fatigue  Reduce Burnout Reduce Lost Hours   Boost Range  Increase Productivity Extend your career withTactical Tools  Reduce Fatigue  Reduce Burnout Reduce Lost Hours   Boost Range  Increase Productivity Extend your career with